A lot of men on TRT or testosterone replacement therapy are not currently being monitored correctly by their physician. If you are taking testosterone to keep your levels in the normal range that can be healthy and add longevity to your life. If you’re taking a dose of testosterone that brings your free testosterone above normal you are no longer on testosterone replacement you are on a steroid cycle. If you’re keeping your free testosterone in your natural range you don’t need to worry about estrogen or estrogen side effects. Your body can naturally manage estrogen when your test is in  the proper range. If your on TRT and fighting estrogen sides your not on replacement therapy your on a shitty steroid cycle. Your body will build up estrogen with every dose above your natural range. You are not even getting the max benefits of your TRT. The key to success full testosterone replacement is keeping your free testosterone in the normal range. This will keep estrogen and all side effects in check. Some side effects are elevated blood pressure, elevated red blood cell count (thick blood), low good cholesterol elevated bad cholesterol, weight gain, loss of libido and irritability. You lose all the health benefits of a normal testosterone level. The benefits of a healthy test level are healthy blood pressure & cholesterol levels, lower body fat, elevated sex drive, increased bone density, no brain fog & higher energy levels. Your body naturally controls estrogen by keeping your testosterone in check. If your body has elevated estrogen it will naturally lower testosterone production. If you are on TRT your body can not lower testosterone in response to high estrogen levels. Your gut health & liver function also play into how efficient your body is at removing estrogen. Less is more when it comes to replacing testosterone for a better life & longevity. If you are on TRT or thinking about going on TRT and have any questions I can help. Not everyone needs to be on TRT after having 1 or 2 low test results. After looking at some other blood work we may be able to get your testosterone levels back into a healthy range naturally. We also work with women in menopause or entering menopause to optimize your hormone levels naturally.